Art, Punishment and Innovation edited by Kirstin Anderson. Waterside Press, published 1st October. £25. A new book explores ...
The sudden closure of The People’s Story museum on Canongate has taken everyone by surprise. Including the councillors for the area and the local community. The museum is unique in Edinburgh. Focusing ...
After a long and determined campaign by Back Off Scotland, the proposed bill to ban anti-abortion protesters from Scotland’s clinics passed almost unanimously in June this year. The act has since ...
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Apparently, Andrew Marr finds the Gaelic on signage in Scotland offensive. Yes, the signs are offensive. Because the Gaelic isn’t big enough. I am fed up with the ignorance towards the history of ...
There is an element of the Winter Fuel Allowance (WFA) decision over pensioners that is being missed, and it is increasingly coming out perversely in a Labour narrative that the WFA is not a good way ...