Rust-resistant coating for 2D semiconductors; polymeric material for data storage and encryption; quantum-secure deep ...
Ensuring data gets to where it’s supposed to go at exactly the right time is a growing challenge for design engineers and ...
Perfection sometimes stands in the way of progress, and there is evidence this may be happening with chiplets. It may be time ...
Why the chip industry is so focused on large language models for designing and manufacturing chips, and what problems need to ...
UMI to OCP as an extension to the BoW standard. While the improvements in processor performance to enable the incredible ...
A new technical paper titled “Using both faces of polar semiconductor wafers for functional devices” was published by ...
A new technical paper titled “Hardware Acceleration of Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) for Lightweight Edge Inference” was ...
A new technical paper titled “Towards Fine-grained Partitioning of Low-level SRAM Caches for Emerging 3D-IC Designs” was ...
Creating complex multi-chiplet systems is no longer a back-of-the-envelope diagram, but viable methodologies are still in ...
A Compact Behavioral Model for Volatile Memristors” was published by researchers at Technion – Israel Institute of Technology ...