In the U.K., a pharma-run watchdog has been issuing fines and levying suspensions. Could this help build public trust?
The state's aggressive approach includes declaring an animal health emergency and paying farmers who help researchers.
The rate of antipsychotic drug use in nursing homes has remained stubbornly high. Experts are concerned about misuse.
A race-neutral algorithm for lung function was recommended last year. Adopting it comes with thorny consequences.
Health authorities have said that stockpiled Tamiflu should work well against H5N1. Some experts question that bet.
“Too much of the world, it seems, has come under human influence during a time when we’re not very good at working out how to ...
The President’s Budget for 2025, released on March 11, sparked chaos in the astronomy community. To account for a 3 percent cut to NASA’s science budget, NASA administrators reduced funding levels for ...