The United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) builds upon the 1963 Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.
The elections to fill the vacant seats will be held at the 35th meeting of the Committee of the Parties of the Council of ...
Slovenia : Introduction of legal remedy for former holders of cancelled shares and bonds ...
Free and safe expression and dissemination of information are pillars of democracy. Yet repression continues, particularly against journalists, activists and academics. The Commissioner helps national ...
Le juge Duro Sessa de la Cour suprême de Croatie, membre du CCJE (et également membre de son Groupe de travail) et Président ...
„Im Jahr des 75-jährigen Jubiläums des Europarates werden wir uns dafür einsetzen, dass so viele Länder wie möglich unsere wichtigsten Übereinkommen zeichnen und ratifizieren – in einer Zeit des demok ...