One of the most remarkable figures in thoroughbred racing is France's stout carelessly dressed Germaine Vuillier 71, the grandmotherly breeding manager behind the traditions and the profit ...
The World of Carl Sandburg, if not everybody's world, has long been a popular one. Over the years Sandburg, who was first a poet of the pioneering Midwest school, has sifted down into ...
Washington waited to see what Hoover headquarters would do about one of Hooverism's most tireless workers, Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt, Assistant Attorney General of the U. S. Already ...
From an obscure corner of practical scientific experiment, one Paul R. Hadley, chicken rancher of Fanwood, N. J., last week published the amazing report of his X-raying chicken eggs. By ...
Lifting up his voice in Newark, N.J., Nominee Hoover addressed himself to Labor, including "the woman who stays at home as the guardian of the welfare of the family. She is a partner on the ...
Nearing completion last week at Bristol, Pa., were four 20-passenger, all-metal monoplanes, to be the largest in the U. S., smaller only than a few German planes.They are equipped with ...
U. S. and Welsh tin plate manufacturers conferred, last week, on problems of growing competition. From the conference, there emerged, tentatively, an agreement. Welshmen said they would not ...
With brazen clatter a telegraph machine spat news of speed and Death, last week, into the dignified Roman sanctum of Editor Count Giuseppe Dalla Torre. The Count publishes L'Osservatore ...
Twenty years ago the Fisher brothers organized their motor car body business as a Michigan corporation. It prospered collaterally with the motor industry. Two years ago Fisher Body's net ...
L'Onorevole Mussolini returned last week to his birthplace, Predappio, donned a fore and aft cap a la Sherlock Holmes, confined himself to a vegetarian and lactic diet, and proceeded to ...
No place for the man who loves home and normalcy, Hollywood is grist to the mill of the farceur. Van Vechten takes a spineless ...
"What Devil is riding Briand?" "Double Faced Briand shows his true /ace." "A knife in Germany's back from Briand." "Evil Briand" These comments, and ...