The Government raises the outbound travel alert for Lebanon to black in view of the latest developments there.
Customs announces it will launch a new 24-hour crime-reporting hotline 182 80 80 on October 1 to facilitate citizens to ...
Secretary for Environment & Ecology Tse Chin-wan visits the waterfront areas of To Kwa Wan, Sham Shui Po and Wan Chai to ...
The value of residential mortgage loans approved in August was $ 21.8 billion, a 12.2% drop compared with July, the Monetary ...
Deputy Chief Secretary Cheuk Wing-hing and two education officials attend the national flag-raising ceremonies held at three ...
The Leisure & Cultural Services Department will present a jazz music lecture and demonstration series featuring members of ...
金融管理局公布,8月新批出住宅按揭貸款額218億元,按月減少12.2%。 其中,一手市場交易批出貸款76億元,減少11.7%;二手市場交易批出貸款118億元,減13.7% ;轉按交易批出貸款則減少5.6%至24億元。
蔡若蓮出席在人民大會堂舉行的國慶招待會。她說,國家正全力推進中國式現代化,不斷深化改革開放,為強國建設、民族復興努力奮鬥。教育局定當繼續從大局和長遠需要謀劃教育發展,建設香港成為國際教育樞紐,培養和吸引優秀人才,增強香港發展動能,推動高質量發展,貢獻 ...