生活中心/李汶臻報導今年第18號颱風「山陀兒」昨(28)日上午8點生成,路徑有西修趨勢、對台灣威脅大,且未來有進一步增強為中度颱風的趨勢。中央氣象署稍早已發布海上颱風警報,陸上颱風警報也可能隨之而來,預計週二(10/1)、週三(10/2)受到颱風影響 ...
Former president Donald Trump openly admitted that he “hated” to pay his workers overtime at the Trump organization and would ...
世界各地爆發嚴重禽流感疫情加上消費者需求大增,為供應端帶來沉重壓力,導致全球雞蛋價格飆升,目前全球蛋價已比2019年(新冠疫情爆發前)水準高出六成。 英國金融時報(FT)報導,荷蘭合作銀行(Rabobank)的分析師表示,全球平均蛋價比2019年高出60%。北美和歐洲爆發嚴重禽流感疫情,迫使雞農撲殺數千萬隻蛋禽,成為這波蛋價上漲的主因。荷蘭合作銀行說,從去年11月到今年7月間,美國約撲殺了3,30 ...
Texas Highway Patrol Trooper Kevin Alexis Ramirez Vasquez died Saturday after he was struck by a vehicle while investigating ...
DUPAGE COUNTY, Ill. - Three men accused of robbing a Downers Grove man at gunpoint have been denied pre-trial release.
After endorsing Kamala Harris on X Sunday, former Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona praised the vice president's grasp of ...
[周刊王CTWANT] 隨著山陀兒颱風來勢洶洶,今日已經可以感覺到氣候有明顯變化,而在台東蘭嶼率先公布停班停課一事後,不少人也開始關心起是否會放颱風假。《CTWANT》就整理颱風天出勤相關法規內容,方便民眾理解。
We’re on the lookout for a major hurricane in the Atlantic by the end of the week—and there’s something else brewing in the ...
Environmental and business groups alike had lobbied against the bill, which establishes a 300-foot minimum distance between new warehouses and inhabited buildings.